Coffee with Peter

Peter Barker is a Symetri Business Development Manager based in the UK. We talked about the importance of getting out and meeting people, getting out on motorbikes, and getting your head around Excel. 

What are you drinking?
A strong espresso.

Anything to eat?
No thanks. I’ll try to be good and stick to the coffee!

Peter started out as a mechanical design engineer, designing special-purpose machinery using CAD software. He then transitioned into technical and training manager roles for a reseller. Building on his practical and product knowledge, Peter then moved into Business Development.

What changes did you find working for Symetri?
Coming from a manufacturing background, Symetri's manufacturing focus and values really aligned with my own, making it a great fit. And, culturally, Symetri is very open, providing real opportunities for growth.

What does a typical day look like?
My days are varied, which is good. They involve calling and speaking with customers. And now, post-COVID, we're getting out and seeing more customers face-to-face, which is great. It's a chance to see their factories and processes in action, and it's still the best way to build relationships.

And what have been some of your biggest challenges?
I think, in a Business Development role, one of the biggest challenges is getting time with people. Everyone is busy. Now, with more people working from home, their time is precious and often more rigidly scheduled – there are fewer 'water-cooler' moments.

What do you think makes Symetri a different kind of organization to work for, what do you like about it?
I like that you have autonomy. You're trusted and given the freedom and space to do your role in a way that will deliver the best results. And Symetri is always open to new ideas.

If you could swap jobs with anyone at Symetri, work in another role for a week, who would it be?
I think it would be fun to spend a week in a technical advisory role. It would be good to spend time with customers, advising them on how they can work smarter – which is kind of a part of the BDM role too.

Are there any Symetri social events or activities you're involved in?
The sales team is in different locations, so hooking up can be tricky. But we try to get together regularly – which is always good fun.

What about away from work, how do you like to relax?
Most of my time is taken up driving my children to wherever they need to go. When I do have time to myself, I enjoy keeping fit and I have two motorbikes that I like to get out on.

Finally, what advice would you give to anyone considering or just starting their career at Symetri?
Get to know as many people as you can across the entire company so you can gain a real understanding of the different products and how all the departments work together.

The espresso

Quick answers

Dave Grohl’s autobiography.

Listening to
Rock and House music.

Interesting fact
I used to skydive.

If you could have a superpower
Understanding Microsoft Excel

Couldn’t live without
My children. They teach me something every day.

Symetri in three words
Growing. Learning. Team

Peter at Autodesk University 2023
Peter at Autodesk University 2023
Pete with colleagues
Pete with colleagues

If you’re looking to work in a technology environment, eager to progress at your own pace with the encouragement of those around you, and feel you’d fit right into the Symetri approach to teamwork, get in touch.