Naviate Discover

A free introduction to Naviate Accelerate

Naviate Discover provides a free set of essential tools designed to enhance functionality for all Revit users.

Whether you're an architect, engineer, or construction professional, Naviate Discover helps improve your BIM workflows by simplifying repetitive tasks and streamlining processes.

With access to powerful design tools at no cost, you'll experience improved productivity, reduced manual work, and greater efficiency in your Revit projects.

What's included?

Live Selection

Find the exact elements you need with a modeless dialogue where you can select all elements in your view by category, family or type

Adjust Section Box

Quickly create 3D views which modify the section box by either aligning to a scope box, setting the bottom and top to a level, or manually entering the values desired.

Unhide Elements

Unhide all hidden instances by element in the active view with just the click of a button

Section from Element

Create an accurately sized and oriented section view parallel to the selected element in plan or RCP view

Quick Renumber

Renumber elements by picking them in order or by using pre-drawn spline

Parameter Transfer

Use inside a Revit schedule to transfer shared family parameters that appear in the schedule to families in the schedule

Find and Replace

Find and replace text in any instance parameter of selected elements

Quick PDF Export

Quickly and easily export views or sheets that are pre-selected in the project browser to PDF files

Create Views

Create either independent views by level, view type, and template or create parent and dependent views at one time based on selected scope boxes


Link Excel, Word or PDF documents directly onto the active view or sheet by converting the file into an image in Revit. A live link between the newly created image and the original document will make it simple to maintain the latest changes and updates

Scope Box Synchronizer

Synchronize scope boxes between linked Revit models. Copy scope boxes from a link and then update them when any changes are made


Export parameter data from Revit to an Excel document, modify the data, then import back into Revit.

Ready to discover the power of Naviate?

Contact us

Please submit your enquiry here and a member of our team will get in touch.
Alternatively call 0345 370 1444




A technology eco-system enabling architects, engineers and construction professionals to focus on valuable work.

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