Change Management

Real-time, configurable Change Request and Change Order workflows

Configured workflows to manage your changes

Product changes are fully defined, reviewed, approved and implemented in a collaborative environment. Easily configured workflows provide a clear view of the details you need to understand and approve Engineering Change Requests (ECR) and Engineering Change Orders (ECO).

Real-time, configurable Change Request and Change Order workflows

Formal and fast-track workflows are provided, which can be easily configured to match your exact process:

  • Change workflows give a graphical representation of those processes to everyone within the organisation
  • The progress of specific Change Requests or Change Orders is managed in real-time
  • Monitoring status helps to identify and resolve potential bottlenecks quickly


Change Management within a fully integrated PLM environment

Change Request and Change Order processes are fully integrated with the other information:

  • Full details of the components or sub-assemblies subject to a particular change are just a click away
  • Product stakeholders across the organisation fully understand what a change will affect, and what its impact will be on parent assemblies and products
  • Historic change records can be viewed and interrogated, providing traceability of exactly what items were modified at that time

Change notifications and real-time ‘to-do’ list

Those involved in a stage of the change process are automatically notified when that stage is reached:

  • The input required from each individual is outlined in a ‘to-do’ list, unique to them
  • Constant reminders are sent with required input and location details
  • Other stakeholders, not directly involved in a process, can subscribe to notifications

 Historical change traceability

All Change Requests and Change Orders remain fully traceable once complete:

  • Historical change processes can be accessed by any authorized person within the organisation
  • Each step of the process is recorded, outlining who actioned that step, when, and any comments
  • Provides an audit trail recording every stage of product change, helping to achieve compliance

Digital signatures

Process workflow stages can be specified as requiring a user password for sign-off:

  • Only those authorised can sign-off workflow stages
  • Digital signature capability provides another security layer, ensuring it is that actual person carrying out an action
  • This additional level of security provides greater assurance in the validity of critical change processes

Third-party change process participation

Cloud-based PLM offers secure third-party access:

  • Partners, suppliers and even customers can provide input into a change process
  • Strategic suppliers can review and authorise a change
  • Collaboration with third parties helps reduce lead times and the risk of error due to miscommunication

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