At Symetri we understand that there isn’t just one method of learning, and it’s not a one-time thing. Software and technology evolve, individuals start with the essentials and work towards more advanced skills, and when you haven’t used certain skills in a while you may need a refresh.
Learning is continuous.
Instructor based training is an excellent way to gain a strong knowledge base, and you can ask any question to an expert. However, this must be complimented with e-Learning that can be dipped in and out of to brush up these skills.
We support the e-Learning platform Pinnacle Series because it has been specifically designed for the Architectural, Engineering and Construction & Product Design and Lifecycle industries. This blog focuses on 6 reasons we believe Pinnacle Series should be consider as part of your skills development plan.
Large content library developed by industry experts
Most Learning Management Systems come with no pre-loaded content or contains overly broad corporate content that isn’t specific to the AEC and manufacturing industries. It is different with Pinnacle Series. Its library contains thousands of pre-loaded high-quality training assets covering dozens of design software products, such as Autodesk, Rhino, Grasshopper, Ideate, Bluebeam and much more. The unique Workflows that document best practices for specific processes within software products, making finding answers more efficient.
On-demand learning to increase productivity
Sometimes training courses which take a number of days can be overwhelming. Some information can be forgotten, or you may not use all of your new skills right away. By supporting learning with an e-Learning platform, users can find the information they need when they need it. If they come across a problem in the middle of a project, it’s easy to look up a quick tutorial or how-to video and efficiently move on to deliver error-free results to clients. This removes the need to ask a colleague or search on Google where the results that come up may not be what you’re looking for.
Fully customisable
Every company has different training needs, so it’s essential to have a learning platform that can adapt. Even though Pinnacle has a vast array of pre-loaded training content, there is a custom content functionality so that you can use it as a centralised information repository for your internal training materials and knowledge sharing. Upload your own content or customise existing content so that the training material is specific to your organisation and your best practices. You can also control the interface’s look and feel, so your employees comfortably adapt to a platform with familiar aesthetics and branding.
Personalised employee training
It can be hard for managers to know which training will be most effective for each employee.
Pinnacle Series gives you the ability to easily assign targeted learning to each individual through an integrated skills assessments platform,
KnowledgeSmart*. Employees can take assessments to identify their current skill levels in a variety of design software. Their results automatically generate a custom learning path designed to fill in skills gaps without repeating information they already know. Pinnacle Series also offers a plug-in for the Autodesk application which provides tailored training resources based on the commands an employee is running during a project. By leveraging personalised learning, organisations save time and improve their employees’ skills.
(*KnowledgeSmart is integrated into Pinnacle Series for an extra fee)
Internal development team for new features
Eagle Point, the developers of Pinnacle Series, has a development team which is entirely in-house, giving them the ability to build new platform features based on requests from their customers, partners, and employees. They have always taken on board thoughts and suggestions, so ensure the end user gains the best learning experience possible.
Support from a dedicated customer success manager
If you are a small-medium size organisation, our
Pinnacle Series customers benefit from the support received from our dedicated team, to help you on-board the platform into your organisation. They will provide webinars to help administrators use and operate the platform, register users and help them navigate around. The platform offers reports to monitor usage, which we also have visibility on. We help embed the platform into your organisations culture, so you can benefit from your investment.
Find out more about Pinnacle Series
Get in touch with us to discuss your skills development needs, and to experience a demo.