How to implement an employee training programme in Pinnacle Series

If you work within the construction industry and are considering an e-learning platform, find out more about Pinnacle Series.

Pinnacle Series encourages continuous learning, supports knowledge capture and sharing, and increases the productivity of your employees.

Whether you’re adopting new technology, onboarding new employees or project teams, or levelling up your company’s internal knowledge and efficiency, a strategic implementation plan can help support you.

Within this blog, I will outline how to implement an employee training programme within Pinnacle Series that will transform the way you manage and support your employee's skills development in these six steps:

  • Define success and identify obstacles
  • Promote organisational habit change
  • Assess employee skills gaps
  • Personalise training to fill skills gaps
  • Provide on-demand learning access anytime, anywhere
  • Track results and ask for employee feedback

Define success and identify obstacles

Every company is different, so it’s helpful to identify the specific goals you’re trying to achieve because it can affect how you implement an employee training programme and measure its success.

These goals may include:

  • Ensuring new team members get up to speed with your processes and standards with a defined onboarding plan.
  • Keep employees up to date on ever-changing technologies and establish a culture of long-term learning for professional growth.
  • Centralise company standards for more efficient knowledge transfer and resource management, as well as maintaining a standard across your organisation.
  • Minimise errors in project work and ensure team members understand processes and adhere to standards.
  • Cultivate a well-trained and highly productive employees that will help solidify your company’s reputation.

Promote a positive organisational habit change

Whether adopting a new initiative or implementing new technology, organisational change can be challenging. Consistent communication and awareness can help develop the new habits that are critical for successfully implementing an employee training programme. Start with messaging that helps your employees understand why you are making a change and how it ties into your organisational goals. Incorporate old habit-breaking strategies to promote new habits that drive usage and adoption, including:

  • Company-wide electronic or personal verbal recognition
  • Rewards and incentives
  • Accountability standards

Assess employee skills gaps

For the most effective employee training programme implementation, you must know which skills employees have mastered, and which they still need to work on. Pinnacle Series can be connected to a skills assessment tool KnowledgeSmart, to make this easy. Employees can take software skills assessments to gauge the competencies they already have and where there’s room for improvement.

Personalise training to fill skills gaps

Once you have an idea of current employee skills, the next step to implementing an employee training programme to bridge the knowledge gaps. With Pinnacle Series, you can use employees’ assessment results to generate a custom learning plan designed to train concepts they don’t know yet without wasting any time teaching what they’ve already mastered. This approach makes the learning process more efficient and less repetitive. Managers can also manually assign individual courses or our pre-built learning paths.

Provide on-demand learning access anytime, anywhere

On-demand learning is central to implementing an employee training programme that can be accessed anywhere. A web-based platform like Pinnacle features expert-developed construction pre-loaded training content at your employee’s fingertips. Whether onboarding, taking a training course, or in need on-the-spot support, they will have access to essential tools when working on-site or remotely. You can also publish live training events for a blended learning experience to promote engagement among remote teams. Pinnacle is reliable, accessible, and flexible to meet your organisations needs and those of your employee’s personal needs.

Track results and ask for employee feedback

As you integrate an employee training programme into your company, it’s vital to have a system to measure performance and ensure you’re on track to meet your goals. Pinnacle Series’ admin reporting tools let you monitor platform usage and employee progress, so you can see how you’re measuring up to expectations. Use employee feedback to further your understanding of how well an employee training programme is working for your company.

What does a successful employee training programme implementation look like?

Here is a customer we have supported with Pinnacle Series: HGP Architects

Find out more about Pinnacle Series HERE.


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