Sovelia Vault PDF, STP, DXF generation versus Vault PDF, STEP, DXF generation

Autodesk Vault can manage, track, and organise design and engineering data throughout its lifecycle as a data management tool. It includes features for document management, version control, and collaboration.

You can generate PDF files within Autodesk Vault to capture and share design documentation.

Vault 2024 Professional has added new capabilities. STEP files can be generated to exchange 3D models with other software or systems that support the format. DXF files can also be created to share drawings in a widely compatible format.

Sovelia Vault is specifically designed as an automation platform for Autodesk Vault. It offers additional features and functionality tailored to enhance Autodesk Vault's capabilities. These features provide enhanced flexibility, control, and customisation options for secondary file format generation.

So, what are the differences between Vault and Sovelia Vault, and why would you want to use Sovelia Vault instead? The table below compares functionality:



Autodesk Vault

Sovelia Vault

PDF Generation

Drawings only

Drawings and 3D models.

Word and Excel files

STP Generation



DXF Generation






Manual Generation

Admin Option

On or Off option for each type

Options for manual generation are fully configurable based on user, file type, and property criteria separate for each type of file. Multiple configurations are possible for different requirements of the same file type.

Options to remove previous versions.

Automatic Generation

On lifecycle state change. Applies to all files on the file lifecycle state change.

Fully configurable on Add, Check-in, and File and item State change. Different criteria can be applied to control precisely when and what is generated based on location, properties, user, and category.

Run Location

Job Processor Only with fixed queue priority

On-client or Job Processor with configurable queue priority

Destination Location

Vault or external

Same as the source file structure or a single folder

Vault and/or external

Same as the source or any folder configuration using the folder path tool based on properties and/or calculated and fixed values.  


The limited option is adjustable in the server .config file—same naming configuration for all files.

Fully configurable based on any property or fixed information. Naming is flexible and can be fully and separately controlled. For example, the file generated to vault can have a different name than a file generated to an external folder, including the revision in the external file name.

Property Copy

Can sync lifecycle state and revision to the vault properties of the generated file. The single option applies to all generated files of that type.

Any properties from the source file can be synchronised to the generated vault file. Fully and selectively configurable. 

Format Options

Admin configuration option applies to all. 

Any number of file-specific configurations can be configured and used according to selected criteria.

PDF Watermarking


Configurable options based on any property information.

PDF Sheet Options

All or All, including excluded from print

Fully configurable as to First, All or Specific Sheet.


In summary, Sovelia Vault builds upon the core functionality of Autodesk Vault and provides advanced automation, customisation, and flexibility for secondary file format generation. If you require extensive customisation, automation, and additional file format generation capabilities, Sovelia Vault can be a beneficial choice over Autodesk Vault alone.

Secondary file generation is just one of many automation tools available within Sovelia Vault.

For more information, explore the Sovelia Vault product page and access additional resources to learn more about its features and functionality. Alternatively, fill in the form and discuss Sovelia Vault with one of our experts.




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