The Digital Transformation of 2020 & Beyond...

2020 was a year like no other and saw many businesses having to completely transform the way their workforce operates with mobile solutions; a change in infrastructure that would normally have taken years to happen globally.

The Digital Transformation of 2020 & Beyond...

Whilst many businesses were slowly making the transition to remote working, if not already, many had to catch up quickly, achieving this goal in a matter of weeks or even days as things rapidly changed across the world.

So what actually changed in 2020?

This seismic shift in how people have been required to work has seen a surge in orders for mobile CAD workstations across the IT industry, as well as required accessories like monitors etc, to enable employees to continue working whilst also continuing to be productive.

In addition, the need to access company data in a secure, reliable and efficient manner has been of great significance. We’ve seen customers increasing their user licence capacities through existing firewall applications to allow employees access to the required files and facilities for working remotely.

This illustrates that companies have adapted to incorporate a cloud-hybrid, data centric approach and has highlighted the advantages of doing so. For instance easy remote deployment, highly secure data storage, flexibility, cost effectiveness and reliable performance access.

According to a recent survey conducted by Dell Technologies, 63% of workers were looking for more flexibility and mobility even before the Coronavirus pandemic.*

This means that we may well start to see this as a permanent way forward for much of the workforce within certain businesses.

What does the future look like?

Many large-scale projects were put on hold during the initial parts of the pandemic and the continuing uncertainty of the financial fall-out has changed the outcome of some client requirements. We expect that many will have to reflect on the reality of how to conduct business in the future and will be planning other projects to accommodate employee needs.

As companies look to the future, the lessons learnt from last year are changing the workplace and how their IT infrastructure looks maybe forever.

39% of executives believe their companies will get the most value from digital transformation initiatives in three to five years.**

These initiatives are now likely to entail addressing many of the pain-points encountered during lockdown periods from a wider company perspective, down to individual requirements.

We anticipate that with employees working from home in a flexible and productive way, those who are currently making do without certain components, will have an increased need for additional accessories such as a docking station to create a clutter-free space and allow for additional monitors etc, a more ergonomic mouse or chair, and perhaps a new CAD workstation or virtual machine, or even considering virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), and so on.

As we endure another lockdown in the UK, it’s clear that the majority of us will not be returning to our offices any time soon, so if you are looking for ways to help equip your workforce for the long run, get in touch with us to see how we can help you plan for the future.

You can also view our mobile CAD workstation bundles here.






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