On Demand Webinar | SimSolid - Analysing welded structures and fabrications.

The webinar demonstrated the workflows in defining weld contacts and analysing fabricated structures.

On Demand Webinar | SimSolid - Analysing welded structures and fabrications.

Usually, when we are analysing welded structures, we don’t tend to model welds within our CAD geometry. This is mainly due to the fact it takes time and can be tedious especially for large models and assemblies. It is also best practice to treat such structures as thin as they typically have a thickness to length ratio greater than 100. Most CAD embedded solutions, like Inventor Nastran, can convert thin structures to surfaces (shell elements) automatically. These methods usually create gaps where the welds are positioned. Furthermore, a single contact is created between parts (at the gap area) whereas, in reality, there will be a weld on either side of the plate to be connected to another. In these situations, it becomes imperative how you interpret welded structure results.

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