On-Demand Webinar |#WorkSmarterWednesdays Webinar | Lifting the mist from Autodesk Docs

In this session of our #WorkSmarterWednesdays webinar series, we looked at the recent changes to BIM 360 Docs & Autodesk Docs, and provided an overview of the platform.

Webinar Overview

Autodesk Docs, Autodesk Construction Cloud’s centralised document management solution, is now available as a standalone product.

Whilst BIM 360 Docs will no longer be sold, existing users of BIM 360 Docs can continue using the BIM 360 platform, and will simply receive Autodesk Docs licences in addition to their existing BIM 360 Docs licences.

As both BIM 360 Docs and Autodesk Docs platforms will be available to existing and new users, it can be difficult to know which product will best meet your specific needs, taking in to account your requirements, status of current projects and current software deployment.

In this session of our #WorkSmarterWednesdays webinar series, we looked at the new platform in detail, and explained which platform will be best suited for your business needs.

Webinar Hosts

For more information, please get in touch with us via the form below. Alternatively, please call us on 0345 370 1444.


Get in touch

Interested in learning more about Autodesk Docs? Get in touch with us.
