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Autodesk Advance Steel 3D structural steel detailing software helps improve accuracy and reduce time to fabrication, while enabling a more connected BIM workflow.
Autodesk Advance Steel is a 3D modelling software for steel detailing, fabrication and construction. Use Advance Steel to connect design and fabrication when working in BIM to improve communication between steel engineers, designers and detailers.
The software helps advance projects effectively from design to fabrication, with clearer design intent and less rework. Use Advance Steel with the AEC Collection to run structural analyses, automate design processes, create and solve for complex geometry, and detect and mitigate clashes in preconstruction.
Structural engineers, steel detailers and fabricators use Advance Steel to design, detail, fabricate and install steel structural systems. AEC professionals choose Advance Steel to automatically generate fabrication shop drawings and bills of material with ready-to-use templates and to produce numerical control files to direct and automate CNC machines for fabrication.
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